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Our History

Since 1995, Iamit Bear™ has been visiting schools, churches, hospitals and civic organizations sharing his stories of triumph over difficult situations and singing his uplifting songs of affirmation. These stories and songs provide children with the tools they need to handle day to day challenges such as bullying, separation anxiety and poor self image.

The Sunshine Factory is a non-profit organization dedicated to nurturing confident, courageous, compassionate children. Recent statics indicate that 160,000 children miss school every day as a result of bullying, sometimes faking illnesses so they don’t have to face the bully. We believe that when children feel good about themselves and respect and accept the differences of others, the need for bullying disappears.


It’s a simple concept; however, implementation is the key. We have to reach children where they are and provide tools for them to deal with the challenges and fears they are faced with. That’s why we have enlisted the support of our friend Iamit Bear™ and his Feel Better Pals™.

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Copyright © 2022 The Sunshine Factory

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